Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A network of people makes life easier and better - By Michelle Libby

I was reading a fiction book last night, actually a romance novel, if you must know and in it the heroine was discussing having a network of people to rely on. She had a network of work associates who were there for her in her business endeavors. She also had a network of friends who were willing to watch her back. She only had to ask and things would happen. You need help. Boom. The friends are there. You need a bodyguard. Boom. Someone knows someone who can find one. 
As I was reading I realized that this is what I have in my life. I knew I had friends, but when push came to shove last weekend at my son’s Eagle Scout ceremony, I knew my network was strong and impressive.
Heather Lumb stepped forward and made a show-stopping cake of a mountain representing the climb to Eagle. Lisa DeFosse helped bake the eight piece cake. I made a phone call to my friend Patrice Foley-Olsen for her party throwing skills and asked her to wrangle things in the kitchen and for the reception food. Without hesitating she agreed and brought in Jenn Merrill, another friend, to help her. I knew my family, my mom, Mary Jane, my dad, Henry and my sister Beth would be there for us, and they were. Whatever we needed, like taking pictures with my camera, that’s what they did. 

The one thing I was not sure about was pictures. I asked a few people to take some pictures, but the best I would hope for were a few shots from the back of the church. What I realized was that sometimes friends don’t even need to be asked. Roxanne Metayer, a former Scoutmaster herself, brought her camera and offered to take pictures through the ceremony making sure we had the pictures we would want. Of course I was thrilled and just now remembered, I took pictures for her when her son Luke had his Eagle ceremony. It comes full circle. 
My network is amazingly strong and I’m happy to say that the ceremony and reception went off without a hitch. I was able to be the proud mom, which meant the world to me. 

Think about your network. If someone called you…would you be there? I would.

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