Summer has finally arrived and with the heat and humidity more people are out looking for ways to keep cool. Last Sunday my husband and I took a drive around Windham and Raymond for fun, but mostly to sit in the air conditioning.
Everywhere we turned there were people
swimming in pools or jumping off bridges into rivers. There were cars backed up
at Babb’s Bridge, on North Gorham Pond near the dam and at Shaw Park in Gorham.
Both sides of the road were packed on Route 85 at Crescent Lake and I’m sure it
was the same on Gambo Road and any other roads that end or cross at the river
or had access to a lake.

Watching some of the swimmers,
especially at the North Gorham dam, I was concerned for their safety. I’m not
sure if it’s my age, my being a parent or what, but I wanted to stop and ask
them if they had checked how deep the water was. Did they make sure there was
nothing under the water they couldn’t see from above, like at Gambo Dam where
there is an old fence under water from the days of the gun powder mill.
Having fun is one thing, but risking a
life, is another. At the dam in North Gorham, a Windham resident electrocuted
himself to death while swimming there. I believe everyone has the right to cool
off on hot days, but with certain caveats, like stay away from posted areas,
look before you leap, and respect the property you are using. Don’t leave trash
around and don’t vandalize the area.
I’m so happy that summer has finally
arrived and the weather is perfect for recreating in water. My advice,
unsolicited as it is, is to enjoy and be safe.